mental health

[podcast] Director of Postdoctoral Affairs Angela Fowler on balancing family and research, and dealing with chronic health problems in grad school. Plus: tips for professional development!

Director of Postdoctoral Affairs Angela Fowler shares about persevering through her PhD after a rocky start and navigating how much to share about chronic health problems (from endometriosis & hip pain) with her committee members. Bonus: Angela shares some great tips for professional development!

NOTE from Masha: As these episode are being released, the world is dealing with the coronavirus crisis. Because all episodes in the season were recorded well in advance, this is not discussed on the show. I hope that you will apply the same themes that we discuss throughout the Bold Adulting podcast to coping and supporting both yourself and others in your community (including the global community) --

  • reaching out to people (virtually)

  • figuring out what you want to make progress on and making a plan

  • being open about what you're going through with the people who you feel comfortable sharing with

  • looking for evidence-based resources

  • remembering that you are not alone

If you want to connect with me to discuss what you're going through (about this or anything else), please feel free to email me or find me on Facebook (send me a message letting me know you found me through the podcast).

I also strongly suggest connecting with other caring and compassionate people through the Facebook group Distance Resistance (which I don't run but I participate in) which is about staying connected even while we have to stay apart. You can also find a lot of information there about getting help or giving help -- this is a is moment to come together.

end of coronavirus talk, back to regularly scheduled programming:

Contact Angela:


Twitter & LinkedIn

Mentioned in this episode:


Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at!

Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.


Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram

All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest. 

Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided. 

Host: Masha Evpak
Sound Editor: Bart Cameron and Masha Evpak

[podcast] Podcaster and Writer Jordan Morris on persevering through the ups & downs in entertainment industry careers [part 2]

In part 2 of a two-part interview, Podcaster and writer Jordan Morris shares his experience with self-soothing when unemployed, how self-esteem affects his social anxiety, why it can be hard to feel ok about downtime in a culture that expects constant productivity, and why sharing a creative project can be more daunting than creating it. 

Jordan’s Twitter

Jordan’s website

Previous episode of Bold Adulting with Jordan, about confidence and adulting moments in his sci-fi podcast Bubble


Discuss this episode or learn about hiring Masha for workshop (about making progress on goals that matter to you using antiperfectionism and authenticity) at!

Follow BoldAdulting on Twitter.


Masha’s personal social media: Twitter & Instagram

All coaching sessions and interviews are included by permission and with the level of privacy requested by each guest. 

Bold Adulting season 3 episodes were recorded over a year ago. To hear updates or to learn what podcast guests have been up to since then, reach out using the contact information if provided. 

Host: Masha Evpak

Sound Editor: Bart Cameron

Podcast - Mental Health Podcaster Andrew of Andrew in the Gap Years on preparing for social situations

Podcast - Mental Health Podcaster Andrew of Andrew in the Gap Years on preparing for social situations

In the last episode of season 2, Mental Health Podcaster Andrew of Andrew in the Gap Years shares his big dream goal of training all undergrads in active listening, how he prepares for social settings to prevent a vicious cycle of social anxiety, how as a child he learned to fear making mistakes, and his secret for actually having fun at job interviews.

Podcast - Science communicator and neuroscientist Elena Blanco-Suarez about confidence doing science in a new language

Podcast - Science communicator and neuroscientist Elena Blanco-Suarez about confidence doing science in a new language

Science communicator Elena Blanco-Suarez shares about the uncertainties of doing science in English as a second language learner, how music and movement helps her mental health, an the surprising benefits of opening up to others about low confidence.

Podcast - I Don't Know What I'm Doing (And So Can You)

Podcast - I Don't Know What I'm Doing (And So Can You)

BoldAdulting season 2 is here! In the first episode, Quirky Qonfidence Qoach Masha shares why she embraces her many failures, shares the struggles shared with her by many scientists, and gives 12 tips for becoming a more confident and happy individual.

Podcast - Science Writer Ian Street (BA #6)

Podcast - Science Writer Ian Street (BA #6)

Science writer Dr. Ian Street shares about how his past experiences with depression have made him stronger today, the surprising upside of being self-conscious while talking, and his dreams for his career transition into a full-time science communicator.

7 ways to change your life in 2017

7 ways to change your life in 2017

Welcome to 2017! A brand new year, full of opportunities. Take a moment to reflect: Are you happy with your life right now?

I mean it. Don't just keep reading. Put down your tablet, release your mouse button, put down the page (wait, did you print out my blog post? What are you doing?). Close your eyes, and really think: Are you where you want to be?

I hope you are. But if you're not happy with your life right now, I'm going to share with you 7 ways to change your life in 2017.